SEO Audit & Coding Adjustments

Navigating through the digital world, your website is your virtual storefront — but is it capturing and converting as many visitors as it could be? With Brew City Marketing’s specialized SEO audit and meticulous coding adjustments, dive deep into the world of optimization, ensuring every element of your site is functioning and performing phenomenally. Fill out the form below to receive your SEO audit & coding adjustments report!


Uncover & Unleash Untapped Opportunities

By leveraging our expert SEO audit, you’re gaining insights and unlocking the door to enhanced visibility, user engagement, and conversion rates. Get ready to explore actionable solutions to propel your website to the top of the SERPs and amplify your digital presence!

What’s Inside Our SEO Audit?

1. On-page SEO: 

The bedrock of any SEO strategy lies in its on-page elements. Our in-depth analysis zeroes in on fundamentals like meta descriptions, title tags, and the interplay of H1 & H2 tags. You will also receive an evaluation of your keyword consistency, ensuring your content resonates with your target audience. Whether it’s the volume of your content, its quality, or the alt-image attributions, we leave no stone unturned. Learn how to optimize your website’s pages so they will appeal to both search engines and your visitors, providing them with invaluable information that will help establish you as an expert in your industry.

  • Benefit: Enhanced Visibility & User Engagement
  • Actionable Insight: Implement strategic keyword integration, enrich meta descriptions, and optimize tag usage to elevate your content’s relevance and appeal both to search engines and your audience.

2. Links:

The digital ecosystem thrives on interconnectedness. You need a comprehensive assessment of both the quantity and quality of backlinks your site garners. But why are backlinks essential? When high domain authority sites link to yours, it’s akin to a vote of confidence in your content—a factor that search engines highly value. With an SEO report, you will learn where you stand and where you can grow.

  • Benefit: Boost Credibility & Authority in Your Niche
  • Actionable Insight: Develop a robust backlink strategy to earn connections from high-authority domains, elevating your website’s trust and credibility.

3. Usability:

Want to know what issues your website may face across an array of devices? From email privacy to optimizing tap target sizing for mobile devices and assessing page load speeds on mobile, ensure your site is seamlessly navigable and user-friendly. Learn what steps to take to ensure optimized navigation. After all, a user-centric approach is at the heart of modern SEO and builds trust in your brand.

  • Benefit: Augmented User Satisfaction & Retention
  • Actionable Insight: Prioritize mobile responsiveness and intuitive design, ensuring your site delights users across all devices and platforms.

4. Performance:

Ever noticed how you quickly abandon a site that takes ages to load? Your visitors are no different. With our SEO audit, you’ll gain actionable feedback that delves into many web design outcomes, such as server responsiveness, page content loading times, and download page sizes. Slow-loading pages can deter potential clients or customers. Learn how to craft a zippy site that enhances user retention and engagement.

  • Benefit: Enhanced User Experience & SEO Ranking
  • Actionable Insight: Accelerate your website’s loading times and enhance server 
  • responsiveness to captivate user attention and elevate your search engine standing.

5. Social:

Social presence is graded based on factors such as your website’s connection to social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Pursue opportunities to meaningfully point users to these mediums where you can share more engaging info about your company, products, and services. 

  • Benefit: Strengthen Brand Presence & Community Building
  • Actionable Insight: Integrate and leverage your social channels to diversify traffic sources and build a community around your brand.

Your website’s detailed grade on these vital aspects doesn’t just pinpoint opportunities and shortfalls. We arm you with a strategic, prioritized SEO action plan, empowering you to navigate through the implementation process with clarity and confidence!

Elevate Your Website Performance Now with Brew City Marketing!

Brew City Marketing is not just another digital marketing agency. Rooted in Milwaukee, we’ve been at the forefront of assisting a diverse array of businesses, both in our region and beyond, since 2009. We educate business owners and their in-house marketing professionals just like you about the ever-evolving world of SEO. That includes SEO audits and suggestions for coding adjustments.

Are you ready to illuminate your business’s path to online success? Let’s embark on a journey of learning, optimization, and growth. Simply fill out our form above to reveal your website’s hidden potential and exponentially scale your business success.