social media marketingWhen you’re allocating your media dollars, deciding whether or not you should include a social media marketing plan can be tough. On the one hand, according to a 2013 Gallup survey, 35% of American consumers’ purchasing decisions are influenced to some degree by social media. But then again, that same survey revealed that 62% of Americans don’t think that their purchasing decisions are influenced at all by social media. So, what’s a smart marketer to do?

Although there are no firm answers, the best way to decide whether or not you should have a social media strategy in place may be to think about your customers and your business. Surveys show that the top three reasons that folks use social media is to connect with friends and family (94%), to share things they know with others (53%), and to find information about a company or organization (40%). Other reasons that people use social media: To find user reviews or product information (29%), to write product reviews (20%), and to build their own reputations or brands (17%). So, can you see your customer base’s social media habits intersecting with that of your business?

Obviously, regardless of what business you’re in, having a strong, positive social media presence is likely to help you when it comes to those people who are scouring social media for company information. But, what about the things you sell online? According to a 2013 study, 43% of users claimed to have purchased a product after sharing it or liking it on social media platforms Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter. So, if you sell a product or service that is likely to be shared via social media, setting aside part of your annual marketing budget for social media could be a really smart way to grow your business and improve your online presence at the same time.

Finally, another important point of consideration is how likely your customer base is to use Facebook to connect with you or share information about your company. A surprising new Facebook study has found that FB now drives 25% of all web traffic. Yes, all. So, if you’re in a product or service niche that is well-suited to Facebook sharing, you should seriously consider having some sort of FB marketing plan in place, even if you don’t put much time into other social media platforms.

Thinking about firming up your social media presence? For more information about our Milwaukee social media and online marketing services, call 414-208-0700 or fill out our contact form today.

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