Milwaukee Internet Marketing Blogging Coaster - Keep Up and Blog OnOne of the newest challenges for small business owners who do their own marketing is figuring out how to successfully keep a business blog. When you’re already busy juggling the day-to-days for your business—you know, finding new clients, keeping an eye on cash flow, and doing the actual work—finding time to blog can be hard.

And, it’s not just finding the time to blog that’s a challenge … finding things to blog about can be hard too. There are only so many times that even your most loyal customers want to hear you say, “Buy our services!” if you don’t have anything new to offer them.

One Gimme Blog Topic: New Products

So, how do you keep your blog fresh and updated (so that you get all of that good Google juice) without just sending out sales message after sales message? One easy way to turn your neglected small business blog into an SEO machine that helps bring traffic to your door is to blog about new products.

As crazy as it sounds, if someone is shopping for your service, they’re more likely than not interested in the products that you use too. (Crazy, I know.)

So, are you a home remodeler with a great, new energy-efficient product that your customers will love? Tell them. Are you a landscaper who’s just learned about a pet-friendly herbicide that potential pet-owning clients should know about? Let them know!

In short, the more good, “whole-bread content” you can give visitors when they visit your site the better. Don’t just stuff them with high-carb content that’s glorified fluff. Instead, teach them about your business, your products, and why they should choose you over your competitors.

Just Don’t Have the Time to Blog?

If you don’t have the time or knack for words needed to keep your blog going, call us. As a full-service Milwaukee internet marketing agency, we offer blog writing services for both small and large businesses.

For more information, call us or fill out our contact form today.

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  • Using SEO for ChatGPT