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Are you a business owner who wants to get more leads from your website? If that’s the case, you certainly aren’t alone. We meet with several men and women every month who are facing the same challenge. They know the internet can be a powerful source of sales opportunities, but often find they are unable to turn their online marketing activities and investments into real results.

Online lead generation is something of an art and a science. And, what works for one company or situation might not be the best answer for another. However, years of experience in this industry have taught us that there are essentially three simple ways to get more leads from a business website.

Let’s look at them one-by-one…


#1 Attract More Visitors to Your Landing Pages

Assuming your website doesn’t have any major problems or limitations, bringing in more visitors to your landing pages is probably going to result in more sales opportunities. That’s the power of simple math. If converting 1% of your 100 weekly visits currently leads to a single appointment or inquiry, for example, then doubling your web traffic will give you two.

This is something most business owners understand inherently, which is why so much attention is paid to things like search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click advertising (PPC). However, it’s important to remember that anything you do to draw traffic to your website needs to be focused and efficient. That is, you shouldn’t spend more than you can reasonably expect to earn back in profits, and it only works if you zero in on the right kinds of buyers.


#2 Put a Solid Online Conversion Plan into Place

Having website visits doesn’t always lead to more sales opportunities. That’s because many (if not most) of the people who come to your website will see some information and then leave without taking any action. That’s why it’s crucial that you have some kind of conversion plan – like a landing page with irresistible offers – in place to collect contact information and generate those leads.

Of course, once you have a conversion plan that works, you can keep revising it over time. To go back to our previous example, doubling your conversion rate to 2% would supply you with two leads per week if you still attract 100 visitors. Double your visits and your conversion rate and you could get 10 new leads with some relatively small improvements.


#3 Use Web Analytics to Sharpen Your Campaigns

The role of web analytics is easy to overlook when you’re thinking about lead generation, but it becomes more and more important the longer you operate. That’s because statistics from your website will show you which piece of content your users like, what ideas or offers they are responding to, and even which pages or items feel like “dead ends” to your prospects.

In other words, you have to study your web analytics to see what buyers really like. If you pay attention to the numbers, though, you can draw more visitors, convert more of them into leads, and even spend less money doing so. None of that can happen, however, unless you are committed to using your web analytics package and testing new concepts regularly.


Could Your Online Lead Generation Campaigns Use a Boost?

If you feel like your website could be generating more sales opportunities, or just want your existing strategy evaluated by a team of experts, contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We’ll show you how your pages are performing now, and help you build a blueprint for stronger lead generation results in the future.

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