On-Site Search Engine Optimization is the foundation for future success in your search engine rankings.

Brew City Marketing uses both On-Site and Off-Site SEO strategies to help your website rank higher in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERP’s). On-site SEO is any work that we do to your physical website. Off-site SEO is work that we do on other websites that will increase your ranking.

From time to time, the search engines change their algorithms and assign different criteria factors with the goal of making their search results more relevant to your query. When this happens, Brew City Marketing updates your code to be in compliance.

To ensure that your website is up to date with all current “best practices,” our On-Site SEO includes enhancing the following items on your website:

Alt tags: Assign keywords for all images on each page of the website
Image titles: Reverse redirect images to Google-Image search
Abstract meta tags: Add a generalization of your webpage into your page header
Classification keywords: Assign primary and secondary classification to your keywords
Robots.Google: Allows Google to crawl the webpage every 3 days
Pagerank tag: Increases overall pagerank
Serp tag: Combines meta tag and title tag for search engine results page
Subject tag: Declares the subject title of each page
Meta Keywords: Keywords related to business and services

If you need help optimizing your website for the search engines so that you can be found on Google, Yahoo, and Bing, or you need Milwaukee web design, CALL US TODAY! 414-208-0700

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