Does your internet marketing plan include getting reviews from customers? Maybe it should.

Anyone who has visited a beach resort or ski town in the last couple of years has probably noticed that TripAdvisor seems on the verge of taking over the world. Hotels, restaurants, and local shops will do virtually anything to get you to leave a good review.

While this might seem like shameless pandering, it’s good business on their behalf – a very high percentage of travelers use the site to plan everything from a night out to ongoing rentals and services. Just a handful of good reviews can mean the difference between success and failure in a competitive market.

Guess what? Even though you might not operate the kind of business that draws tourists in off the street, you can follow the example these companies have set. Even though there are a lot of industries that are virtually untouched by customer client reviews, for now, it’s a trend that buyers love. Even if you aren’t very affected by reviews at the moment, you’re likely to be in the future. And besides, having lots of good feedback never hurt anyone, even if it’s just posted on your business website.

What’s the moral of this story? Well, short of doing something illegal or unethical, you should be actively working to build up a portfolio of positive reviews that you can pull out later. There might come a time when you need them, and it’s likely to arrive a lot sooner than you might think.

For more information on getting reviews and other ways you can improve your Milwaukee internet marketing,  contact us or visit our website at

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