Project Description
Project Description
It’s a small world in the big city. Milwaukee-based Smalwaukee embraces the idea that their city has only 1 degree of separation between people. Their goal is to spread that feeling of community by sharing stories about getting to know “friends of friends who are friends” in Milwaukee. Smalwaukee products celebrate the “smallest big city” in the United States. Smalwaukee sells gear of all kinds and donates profits to the Riverwest Food Bank because everyone who lives in Milwaukee “is really located in our hearts and minds.” Smalwaukee’s mission is to highlight the network of friends one can find in the city of Milwaukee.
Brew City Marketing partnered with Smalwaukee to combine their previous website with a fresh, redesigned website to ensure a more user-friendly interface for visitors. Initially, we collaborated to create a clean, eye-catching design. Next, Brew City Marketing consolidated Smalwaukee’s Shopify site for streamlined browsing experience for shoppers. Additionally, we amplified Smalwaukee’s community-driven initiative to donate proceeds to Riverwest Food Bank. Next, Brew City Marketing applied on-page SEO improvements to increase visibility and rank for Smalwaukee across various search engines, including Google. Finally, we created a social media campaign to boost the company’s profile across multiple platforms and to reach a wider audience.
Our Solutions
- Collaborated with Smalwaukee to combine their previous website with a fresh, redesigned website to ensure a more user-friendly interface for visitors.
- Partnered to create a clean, eye-catching website design and navigation.
- Consolidated Smalwaukee’s Shopify site to streamline browsing experience for shoppers.
- Amplified Smalwaukee’s initiative to donate proceeds to Riverwest Food Bank.
- Applied on-page SEO improvements to increase visibility and rank for Smalwaukee across various search engines, including Google.
- Created a social media campaign to boost company profile across various platforms.