Devon, Alec, and Carly standing in front of the Milwaukee Rescue Mission building

This year’s coat drive with One Warm Coat was a huge success! Devon, Carly, and I had the opportunity to make the trip out to The Milwaukee Rescue Mission to drop off our donation of coats, hats, mittens, and scarves.

The first thing we noticed right when we pulled up was how friendly the staff was. They immediately came outside to greet us. They held the door as we carried all the boxes of clothes in and even offered to help us carry things inside (we had two cars full). Everybody was so friendly, and it was apparent just how much every donation means to them and the men, women, and children who need these coats the most. It became clear that any effort, big or small, can make a huge difference. Milwaukee is an amazing place, but like anywhere, it’s not without issues.

Understanding The Problem

Here are some statistics about Milwaukee:

  1. 1 out of 4 families lives in poverty in Milwaukee.
  2. Approximately 1,000 people spend their nights on the streets of Milwaukee.
  3. 1 out of 3 children in Milwaukee lives below the poverty line.

These are some troubling facts. But the Milwaukee Rescue Mission does their absolute best to help.

Working Towards A Solution

Here are some more statistics that are signs of hope. Every year, the Rescue Mission provides:

  1. 280,000 meals
  2. 50,000 items of clothing
  3. 80,000 nights of shelter

This is an amazing effort to help others in Milwaukee, but it’s only possible with the teamwork of generous donors, hard-working volunteers, and friends in the community! Everybody can help the less fortunate with just a little bit of time and effort.

For more information about how you can do your part to help, head to or make a donation and “give the gift of hope” this holiday season. You can also visit our page to learn more about our other volunteer opportunities in Milwaukee, WI.


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