Dec_Blog2-2Somewhere along the way, some local internet marketers forgot that they had to keep up with the ever-changing rules of SEO to stay competitive. For them, the old days of carefully calculated keyword percentages is still in full effect, even while their page rankings continue to slip.

Web marketers who’ve paid attention to the changing rules of the game, however, realize that those old-school SEO tactics don’t work anymore. Instead, businesses need to focus on delivering usable websites that make an impression. Only then will their websites stand out, rank well, and convert.

In many ways, this brave new world of SEO is really just about integrating some basic marketing techniques with standard search engine optimization principles. It’s about aligning the back-end technical tactics with the front-end consumer-focused content. It’s branded SEO, basically.

So, if your website is due for an SEO tune up, here are a few things you’ll want to think about:

  • How can you focus more on usability? Usability is how easy (or hard) something is to use. Typically, websites that score well for usability are useful, engaging, fast, look good, and are easy to use and navigate. If you’re not sure whether your website is usable, check out Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. The guidelines cover everything from design and content to technical guidelines.
  • How can you differentiate your business? Whether you’re marketing your biz online or offline, it’s always important to define and use your unique selling proposition (USP). Not only will leveraging your USP help build your brand, it can help you create unique content that’s great for SEO.
  • How can you educate your audience? Another basic marketing principle that somehow got lost in the heady days of old SEO is the importance of audience education. Whether it’s educating people on your company’s product, service, or expertise, creating informational content is a time-tested way of selling without making it obvious.
  • Would you use your website? Seriously. Instead of visiting your website as an owner, visit it as a customer. Can you find the information you want to learn about the company, make a purchase, or find a store? Does your business look legit, or does it seem a little faceless?
  • Is your website optimized for viewing on any mobile device? Statistics show that two-thirds of people use their mobile devices to go online and 60% of them will immediately abandon a website if it isn’t mobile friendly. Are you willing to give up that much traffic?
  • Is it time to get rid of your stock images? It’s hard or your business to stand out when the graphics and images on your website are the same as your competitors or, worse yet, are used by multiple other businesses. One of the easiest ways you can visually differentiate your business is by using one-of-a-kind imagery.

If you’re ready to make your website better, call 414-208-0700 or fill out our contact form today. Our internet marketing team has the technical expertise and online marketing chops to help your Milwaukee-area business rise to the top.

  • Milwaukee website design can bring your business dreams to life