Image of Milwaukee Web Design for Roofing and Siding Company

Milwaukee roofing company, A Custom To Roofing and Gutters, LLC. worked with Brew City Marketing to provide SEO and enhance their visibility on Google, Yahoo, and Bing for up to 500 specific industry keywords and locations. We got more visitors to their site within the first month, however, a simple website redesign was recommended to ensure the visitors converted into contacts.

This Milwaukee website redesign project consisted of adding a video to homepage, correcting spelling errors that the previous local web design company overlooked, and changing some wording and content so important text was more noticeable. A random stock photo was also removed because it was irrelevant to roofing and then replaced with a photo from the customer’s previous projects.

A Custom To Roofing and Gutters, LLC. was a pleasure to work with and we are excited to announce that they now rank on the first page of Google for their main keyphrase: Roofing Milwaukee! See for yourself here:

Article update: the website pictured in this post is actually a new website that we built for them from scratch. Their old website was improved after we took it over but it still needed a lot of work. ACT is happy with the results and have increase conversions 20% since the launch of their new website!





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