A company blog is to search engine optimization what aspirin is to a headache. The minute you express a desire to own one of the top few rankings on Google, Yahoo, and Bing, there’s a good chance your business web design team is going to prescribe a steady dose of new, keyword-rich content for the foreseeable future.

To get the most out of your company blog, however, you have to make sure it’s easy to find. Certainly, you should have other goals for your blog besides simply building traffic, but there is no doubt that making it as visible as possible is probably going to be one of your highest priorities.

Brew City Marketing provides Milwaukee SEO businesses can rely on. Here are seven quick and easy ways to make your company blog more search-friendly.

1. Use keywords in your headlines.

Google and the other major search engines place much more weight on titles and headlines than they do other content in a blog post. So, if you have a particular word or phrase you are looking to emphasize, make sure it shows up in the headline of your entry.

2. Take advantage of subheads.

Next to titles and headings, the search engines look at subheads and links to see what a post is mostly about. While you shouldn’t try to cram keywords into these unnecessarily, thinking of ways to work the right phrase in here and there isn’t a bad idea.

3. Link to pages on your site.

Any time you can find a phrase that describes your company, or one of the pages on your website, make sure it turns into a link. This is another tactic you definitely don’t want to overuse, but a few of these “anchored links” can do a lot for your site’s search engine profile as a whole.

4. Link to sources outside of your site.

It might seem counterintuitive to send traffic away from your business website, or even your company blog, but it can be a great way to show search engines that you are source of information, not just another marketer looking to make a sale. Besides, linking to other pages that confirm your claims or back up your online reputation isn’t a bad way to build credibility.

5. Title your images.

Most marketers use at least some kind of picture in their blog posts. If you do, make sure that they have keyword-rich, search engine-friendly titles. They may not make a huge difference in your search engine positioning, but it’s always smart to take advantage of every opportunity.

6. Post to your blog on a regular schedule.

The search engines love sites, and especially blogs, that are added to regularly. If your last post was six months ago, then it tells Google that you aren’t a source of current information. Remember that, and be diligent about posting new material on a weekly basis, if not more often.

7. Automate the easy stuff.

A surprising number of plug-ins and other free tools exist for marketers looking to make the most of search engine optimization. Talk to your business web design team about installing some of them onto your company blog, since they can make the day-to-day management and optimization a lot easier.

Blogs aren’t just about building traffic, but having extra visitors to your site is a big part of online marketing success. Follow these seven tips, and you’ll be well on the way to attracting new customers through your regular posts.

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