Oh, heck yeah! Today is Employee Appreciation Day! How PERFECT that the Brew City team gets to go to the Best & Brightest Gala on this day to celebrate the fact that we won that award this year. Companies win the Best & Brightest if their staff gives positive feedback about their work environment. Winning this award was such a good feeling because we really appreciate our team and want them to enjoy working for us.

It doesn’t matter if you’re in digital marketing or another line of business, employee appreciation applies to everyone. It’s important that your team doesn’t dread coming to work, and leaves feeling good about things at the end of the day. As a business owner or manager, you play a key role in achieving this. Showing your appreciation is easy! Here are some things we have done recently to show our staff we care.

A Few Great Ways to Appreciate Your Team

Take Them to Inspiring Events. Finding local events that inspire your team is a great way to spend a little more time with them and get that bonding energy going. Even better, it provides learning opportunities that you all can build upon. For example, we recently went to an Amazon event centering around small businesses, as well as a Local First Milwaukee event for women who lead in business. Each of us expressed the valuable takeaways we got from those. Spending this time together allows you to keep forming that ‘same page’ mentality, which inevitably forms a stronger team.

Do Fun Things for the Holidays. Last year for our holiday party our team went to the escape room at City 13 and had so much fun while also building our team skills! We gave our team some different options to choose from, and that’s what won the vote. Showing your staff some love during the holidays is essential because it communicates that they are people you wish to include during times of celebration.

Invest in Their Well Being. We recently purchased stand up desks for our team to use in the office. Because digital marketers spend most of their time on their computers, posture issues are a common thing. Having the option to raise up your desk, straighten out your legs, and lengthen your back is so beneficial. It’s also a good boost for the team to know that their company wants to take care of them.

Take Their Feedback. The best way to know how to show your staff appreciation is to ask for their input. They’re not always going to feel comfortable speaking up and asking for what they want, they’ll be much more inclined to when you welcome it. Doing so creates a safe space, and also ensures that you’re not just wasting your energy on efforts that don’t really land. Most importantly, it shows them that their opinion matters to you, which speaks volumes when it comes to appreciation.

Stay Tuned

Since the Best & Brightest allowed our team to give feedback, we are taking a closer look at how we can go that extra mile. It’s never a bad idea to take a step back and come up with some new and more creative ideas. Stay tuned for some pics from the Best & Brightest Gala coming soon!

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