From the beginning of February through the 15th, Brew City Marketing held a book drive to collect new or slightly used children’s books. Then on the 16th, we joined Next Door at their book cleaning event sponsored by Good City Brewing.

Cleaning Books with LoveVolunteers cleaning and repairing books at Next Doors

Upon arrival, we saw that each table was armed with all of the supplies that we needed such as magic erasers, all-purpose cleaner, and rubber cement so we immediately went to work. During this event, we helped clean, repair and sort all of the books that were donated.

It was important that the books looked new so that the children receiving these books could have pride in owning them. Additionally, it was a great feeling knowing that each book we collected would be in the hands of a child soon. With the help of all of the volunteers who attended, Next Door was able to quickly prepare more books to donate to local libraries and shelters.

Donations ranged from picture books for infants to chapter books for teens. This event was a great way to kick off the weekend and a fun way to meet new people.

Next Door’s Mission

Next Door empowers central city children to dream of a bright future. As an award-winning early education provider, Next Door focuses on improving literacy and school readiness for children ages 0–5 in Milwaukee’s central city. When combined with adult education and family support, their research-based programming helps children close the achievement gap and focus on a bright future.

Looking to Help Next Door’s Mission?

Many of Milwaukee’s children face the same challenges of illiteracy, poverty, and segregation that their parents faced before them. Early education is a key factor in breaking this cycle. If you would like to donate books for the next book drive, visit Next Door’s website to learn how you can help.

Giving back to our local community is a top priority at Brew City Marketing and we can’t wait for the next opportunity to engage with our community. Visit our community involvement page to see other opportunities we’ve had to give back.

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