Are you thinking about upgrading your business website in 2022 and want to make sure you’re keeping up with your competitors? Or worried your existing web presence needs a few tweaks to help you generate leads and sales?

We’ve got you covered. In today’s post, we are going to walk you through seven hot web design and development trends for 2022. Best of all, we haven’t just picked popular styles and fads – the suggestions included are the ones you can use right now to help your business grow.

Let’s start with a subtle shift that you might have noticed (at least subconsciously) already…

#1 Faster Websites Are In 

You might not think about website speed a lot, but we are willing to bet you click away when a page loads too slowly. If industry-wide web analytics are any guide, nearly everyone does.

For that reason, the first important web design trend we have to mention is one you can’t actually see. It’s time to give your website a boost with better hosting, mobile compatibility, and layouts that are easy to scroll. Often, a simple website audit is enough to identify issues (like outdated plugins) that slow down the delivery of your content, so take the time to have your HTML checked properly.

#2 Accessibility Is a Must 

Until the last couple of years, most business owners and web designers didn’t realize that ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) stipulations extended to the web. However, as hundreds of recent lawsuits have demonstrated, you can be sued for having a site that isn’t accessible to those with sight or movement-related difficulties.

However, even if you put that issue aside it’s a good idea to ensure that accessibility is a priority on your website. For one thing, making your pages compliant can also make them faster and more secure (see above). And at the same time, an ADA-compliant website can help you reach a larger group of customers. Some estimates suggest that roughly one out of every five Americans has some sort of disability. That means your customers (along with their colleagues and loved ones) want compliant websites, too.

#3 Create Contrast on the Page 

It’s easy to forget, but web design is a kind of business art. And like all types of art, certain styles or techniques come in and out of vogue.

For a while, websites were being cluttered with too many elements, from long dropdown menus to animations that covered up important blocks of text. That made them interesting but not useful. In 2022, the best web designers and marketers are scaling things back. That means creating contrast on your page with text, links, buttons, and menus that are easy to find and use. It also means ensuring you have plenty of white space between major elements.

#4 Get Smart About Images 

While you probably haven’t noticed, great web designers are using images differently than they used to. Not only are we choosing visuals more carefully, but also being more intentional with their placement and positioning.

As an example, you might notice that websites are containing more photos of human faces looking directly at a camera. This is subtle, but it creates a kind of engagement between the viewer and the subject on a more emotional and subconscious level. Likewise, you can use images of people leaning or pointing in a certain direction to lead them toward a call to action or other suggestion.

Even if you aren’t paying attention to these kinds of details, you should know that your web designer is using them on your behalf.

#5 Video Is Your Secret Weapon 

You may have noticed that video is everywhere on websites these days. There are several reasons for that. One has to do with the fact that most people like watching videos rather than reading text. Another could be tied to the decreasing costs of HD video recording equipment and editing software. 

The biggest reason marketers are using video, however, is that it works. Some online surveys have shown that website visitors are up to 10 times more likely to interact with video clips than any other type of content. If you’re in the process of renovating your website, see if you can incorporate more video for product descriptions, customer success stories, and other key marketing points.

#6 Say More With Less 

Text is crucial to your website, but it can actually drive visitors away if it isn’t used properly. Most of your visitors don’t want to read long, unbroken blocks of words. That’s true even if they are interested in the products or services you have to offer.

Break things up by keeping your ideas short. Throw in subheadings, bullet points, or even infographics that help make a point. Ask your web designer to experiment with pullout quotes and other features that make the text seem more graphical. At the end of the day you need to have the right words on your page, but they should be presented in a way that is interesting and easy to scan or your message might be missed.

#7 Use the Power of Trust 

Have you ever been to a new website and thought the products or services being offered seemed too good to be true? Did you get the feeling that you wanted to take the next step but were worried you might be missing something that would cause you to regret your purchase later?

Your customers go through the same process. Why not put them at ease with video testimonials, unbiased reviews, or other trust indicators like money-back guarantees? These take very little to add to your website but can have a huge impact on your marketing results.

It Is Time to Launch or Update Your Business Website?

There are dozens of companies in Milwaukee and beyond that, you can turn to for a new website, but the team at Brew City Marketing has experience with web design, programming, search engine optimization, social media marketing, online lead generation, and so much more. If you’re looking for a business growth strategy that actually works, then we are the partner you’ve been looking for.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and see how we can help!

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