It’s no secret to any of us, an internet presence is how we have been keeping the strongest connection to the world during the coronavirus quarantine. As the rules become stricter and people continue to avoid the streets, many businesses are growing more concerned. Without customers, how are they to survive? This is why it’s more important than ever that companies tune up their internet presence. Here are a few ways to easily do just that.

Use Social Media Platforms

Everyone is checking their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages regularly throughout the day. If you don’t have these, or you do but barely use them, it is time to start. Doing so will give you a way to:

  • Remind your customers you’re still here!
  • Communicate any special offers you have going on to keep the business going.
  • Keep them updated on the services you are still able to provide for them.
  • Reach out to your customer base and ask them what they need from you.

Make Sure Your Website is Easy to Navigate

Take a look at your company’s website. Is it updated? Is it easy to find your services and contact information? How does it make your company look? If people are going to keep using your services, they will definitely be visiting your website to check for these things. Keep in mind that some of these people may not be use to having to navigate the internet when considering your site’s layout. So be sure that:

  • It really reflects you and your company.
  • It is easy to navigate for people that aren’t used to having to do so.
  • The services you provide are clear and concise.
  • Your site is the first on the list when people search for your services in your area.

Be Responsive

Keep a close eye on your communication portals. Consistently check your email, voicemail, and social media inboxes. People may be reaching out with questions that need immediate answers, and if they have to wait too long they will look elsewhere. If your customers experience you responding quickly, they’ll know they can depend on you and will keep coming back. It has always been true that people crave convenience, and things are incredibly inconvenient for many right now. If there is any way you can give them a little bit of that convenience back, they will appreciate it.

We Can Help

We are experts in web design, development, and social media. Need some help? Brew City Marketing wants to do whatever we can to help you and your business continue to thrive. Gives us a call or send an email today, and let’s figure this out together.

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