If you’re actively trying to build your business’ social media presence (which you should be!), it can be tempting to encourage your employees to champion your business and just let them loose online. Unfortunately, much like other highly traveled highways, the road to social media mishaps is paved with plenty of good intentions.

Before one of your well-intentioned employees posts something online that could damage your profit margins, consider putting a social media policy in place. Doing so can protect your business in multiple ways, and it can prevent unnecessary misunderstandings between yourself and your staff as to how your business should be presented via social media.

Three of the biggest reasons to consider implementing a social media policy for your business include:

Protecting Your Reputation

It’s tempting to think that one little embarrassing tweet or Facebook post won’t be noticed, but all it takes is for one particularly mortifying post or image to go viral and be seen by thousands (if not tens of thousands) of people. Protecting your business reputation online is about more than just dealing with bad reviews. Not only can you bet that your competitors would love to share your most embarrassing moments with their own followers, there are plenty of websites devoted to exposing embarrassing moments with as many people as they can. (Don’t believe us? Google “dumbest tweets ever” and marvel at the returns!)

Avoiding False Statements

Do you sometimes feel like you’re playing Telephone at work? You know, where you communicate something to a co-worker but when you hear what you thought you communicated five people later, the message is something completely different? Things get miscommunicated constantly in business environments, but you can control how many worms get out of that can by making sure your staff knows what they should and shouldn’t say online. Having a good social media policy can help protect you and your employees from inadvertently making false statements about your business’ policies, offers, and stances.

Building Your Brand

A social media policy that helps your staff adhere to your brand values will help build your brand value, which is a far-too-often overlooked benefit. Studies have shown again and again that having good brand value increases how reliable and trustworthy the public sees your business, which is always a good thing.

Have the policy but not a plan? Give us a call at 414-208-0700 or fill out our contact form today to see how our Milwaukee internet marketing team can help you build a strong social media strategy.

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