Your Social Media Liaison in 2018

Today, one of the best tools we have available to help you reach customers is social media. Social media is everywhere. Now, businesses can use it to know and target their customers better than ever before, from their zip codes to the websites they regularly visit to the products they are interested in buying. Are you ready to make the most of this tool for your small business?

Today, we encourage you to set aside just 10-15 minutes to let more people know about your business on social media.

Here are 5 easy steps you can take today to reach more customers through posts on your social platforms:

  • Take a photo (or a few).

    Is that birthday cake we smell? Take photos when someone in your office is celebrating a special event. People love social media posts about other people, so consider the everyday events in your office and let your customers get to know the faces behind your products and services. Showcasing your employees will help create popular posts. Other types of popular photos include your products, work crew, before and afters, and community involvement photos. Send the photos our way, and we’ll do the rest.

  • Find a client testimonial or story to share on your social media.

    Just about every viral social media post has a good story at the center. Have you heard any heartwarming stories about why one of your customers wanted your product? How does your product or service make the world better for someone? Consider your happiest past customers and ask them if they’d be willing to share their story and a quote about why they purchased from you.

  • Consider creating a special offer.

    There are lots of ways Brew City Marketing can help you use special offers to attract more customers. Consider thinking of one to share now, or think of a monthly offer you can provide to attract even more customers later.

  • Recall any company updates.

    Do you have any new hires? Do you want to promote an open position? Are you releasing any new services or products? Reflect on the last month and think ahead. If there are changes coming, those could be social posts.

  • Invite people to follow your social media pages, especially Facebook.

    The best way to use 5 minutes right now is to add your social media page links to your email signature. Encourage your colleagues to do the same. Spend some time inviting your friends to follow your pages to widen your circle. Work with Brew City Marketing to include social media links from your website.

As always, feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have regarding your website, SEO or social media services. Our office is conveniently located in Milwaukee, near Wauwatosa, just a few blocks south of Mount Mary College.

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